The Process
To become a licensed official in the state of Wisconsin you must first sign up with the state association atĀ Once you are on that page, click on the “Officials” tab and then select “Become an Official.” There you will fill out personal information, the sport(s) you would like work, pay the annual state fees, and agree to have a background check run. Once you have completed all of these tasks, you will receive a WIAA official number. Congratulations on becoming a licensed official in the state of Wisconsin!
Once you are registered with the WIAA, you can sign up to join the Racine LakeShore Officials Association (RLOA). You will complete your contact and sport information and then make your on-line payment for your annual dues. Our membership year is similar to the WIAA and applies from July through June of the following year (i.e. July 2020-June 2021).
After completing your RLOA registration and payment, we’ll add you to our electronic scheduling system (ArbiterSports). You will receive a welcome email from Arbiter to review/update your contact information and view the calendar to block closed dates. You should continue to update your availability throughout the year to maximize opportunities for assignments. Please help our assignors by keeping this up to date!
Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a licensed official. If you have any questions about becoming an official, the Arbiter, or what the association can do for you, pleaseĀ contact us directly.
Mike Patino
RLOA President